Charlotte Grace was born April 11, 2012 at 8 lbs 4.5 oz and 20.5″. She has always been a very healthy, active little girl. In her first three years of life, she may have been on antibiotics once. At some point, almost every day, there is a moment where it all feels so unreal. Throughout our journey, I will be sharing some intimate details to help spread the awareness of this disease, that I never knew existed.
Charlotte was diagnosed with high risk stage 4 Neuroblastoma on May 23rd, 2015. It is one of the most common cancers found in infants and one of the most aggressive childhood cancers known. After 18 months of age, the chance of relapse is very high. Neuroblastoma most commonly starts in the tissue of the adrenal glands. It is a rare disease in which a solid tumor is formed by special nerve cells called neuroblasts. Normally, these immature cells grow and mature into functioning nerve cells. But in neuroblastoma, they become cancer cells. It occurs when neuroblasts grow and divide uncontrollably instead of developing into nerve cells. The exact cause of this abnormal growth is unknown, but scientists believe it’s related to a defect in the genes of a neuroblast that allows it to divide uncontrollably. About 700 new cases of neuroblastoma are diagnosed each year in the United States.
We are resting on God and the knowledge of doctors to save our little girl. We welcome you to be a part of this battle, you can keep up with sweet Charlotte’s journey here. We know that God is BIGGER than Neuroblastoma and He is holding our baby girl in His arms!