365 days since you were removed from this earth and entered Gods heavenly kingdom. I remember it like yesterday. Sometimes the overwhelming feelings of your last breath completely engulfs me and the tears fall hard.
I often talk myself down.
I remind myself of your gasps for the oxygen I so easily breathe.
I remind myself the simplest tasks for me were the biggest feats for you.
I remind myself that where you are at today, we long and strive to be there soon.
I hear your cute voice, your giggles, your off key singing, I see your sassy dance moves, I feel your hugs and kisses.
Charlotte, you are missed, by so many. Your life made a difference and continues to make a difference.
I will continue to fight for more, safe, successful treatment options for the children still fighting and beginning their fights.
We mourn because we miss your earthly body but rejoice in the hope of seeing you again with a whole and new body!
Those who have been praying for our precious friend Natalie Dawn, she joined Charlotte in Jesus’ arms on June 9, 2019. I can only imagine the fun they are having together! Please continue to pray for her family. We know the pain too well.
I imagine the girls are running through the golden streets of heaven
“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
II Timothy 4:6-8 NKJV
Rest in love precious girl
11/08/2013- 06/09/2019
Susie Dowdingsays
Precious babies in the arms of Jesus.
I can’t imagine how you miss Charlotte. Grateful for the hope of being together again.
So beautifully expressed Jacqueline. My heart grieves for both your family and Natalie’s but as you have reminded us all, I also rejoice with you that they are set free and together awaiting a glorious grand reunion one day with ALL who so dearly love them. God’s peace and rest to you all today and every day.
My heart aches for you all. I know praying is all I can do to help. I can’t even begin to understand the pain you are all in. But I can call upon the Lord. ☹️😢
Thank you for your posts. I hear your pain through your email. I hurt thinking about that moment she leaves me. I hear your hope also. I need more hope. I have a daughter who is terminally ill. I know 6 was too short here on earth. 21 seems short but I feel blessed knowing it could have been sooner and cherish the memories I have. My heart aches for you. My heart aches for me. Thank you again for posting about Charlotte .
Precious babies in the arms of Jesus.
I can’t imagine how you miss Charlotte. Grateful for the hope of being together again.
So beautifully expressed Jacqueline. My heart grieves for both your family and Natalie’s but as you have reminded us all, I also rejoice with you that they are set free and together awaiting a glorious grand reunion one day with ALL who so dearly love them. God’s peace and rest to you all today and every day.
My heart aches for you all. I know praying is all I can do to help. I can’t even begin to understand the pain you are all in. But I can call upon the Lord. ☹️😢
Continuing prayers for your family and other families touched by childhood cancer…
What a glorious day that will be….when we see them! In the meantime I still cry for your loss of that beautiful girl!
Prayers go up for your family as I’m sure you’re missing her even more today. What a beautiful angel you have up there watching over you. ❤️
Thank you for your posts. I hear your pain through your email. I hurt thinking about that moment she leaves me. I hear your hope also. I need more hope. I have a daughter who is terminally ill. I know 6 was too short here on earth. 21 seems short but I feel blessed knowing it could have been sooner and cherish the memories I have. My heart aches for you. My heart aches for me. Thank you again for posting about Charlotte .