Thursday we had blood drawn and as we expected, her counts were down and she was neutropenic. After speaking with the oncologist a blood transfusion was scheduled for Friday morning.
As dinner time approached, Char was beginning to feel a little warm and her heart was racing. I took her temperature and it was at 99.9. I took it multiple times over an hour and it ranged from 99-101. When a child with cancer has anything at 100.4 or above, you treat it like 103-4 fever. I called the on call pediatric oncologist and of course she said to go to the hospital. I had been praying sooo hard that Charlotte could enjoy home as long as possible before we headed to Portland on Tuesday.
We got to the emergency room at 2:00 am, after seeing the doctor and having blood drawn, we made it to the room at 4:30. As I lay in the bed holding Charlotte, I was able to watch the beautiful sunrise! (Finding joy where it’s almost impossible)
It’s now 7:30 and they will be starting the transfusion soon! Praying this gives her a little boost and her fever disappears!
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) (Hebrews 10:23 KJV)
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