As the day draws closer my mama nerves become anxious. I can’t help but have a ball in my stomach, imagining all that could go wrong. Still in my weakness, I cry out “WHY CHARLOTTE?!!”
This surgery is something that was planned for September 2015, then with the devastating news of scans, was postponed. Then we had hoped again for it in October across the country. But after arriving, we received the news that insurance had denied surgery. Albeit, God’s plan never fails because scans showed her cancer was too active.
From then until now, scans haven’t changed for the better. But because of the consistency in her PET scan, surgery is possible because they believe they are matured cancer cells. PLEASE GOD, let them be!!
The thought of them cutting into my precious daughters skin is gut wrenching. Explaining when she wakes up, why she has this cut, is something I don’t look forward to.
I do look forward to a day where she can be cancer free. I do believe removing the main source (adrenal gland) will be a huge stepping stone. We have a long road ahead of us, and I know this, but our girl is fierce and a fighter!!
She is an image of a true hero! My hero! Her circumstances don’t bring her down and she enjoys the things she is able to do. Some days I receive many “whys” from her, but for the most part she understands that the wrong germs will put her in the hospital. She definitely misses swimming lessons, gymnastics, consistent play dates, traveling (to fun places), and grocery shopping with me. She has been limited to all of this because of her weak immune system and her Hickman catheter. So far, with the Lords protection, Charlotte has avoided any other sicknesses or infections. When our whole house has been sick, she remained healthy.
Even with the results we have gotten and disappointment we have experienced, there is, without a doubt in my mind God is protecting her.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. Please pray a little extra on Friday. I will post small updates on her FB page as her surgery is happening. After, once I have gathered my emotions and have my mommy duties to our little princess done, I will post on here.
Your support and prayers are truly more than we could ever ask for!! Thank you!
It’s a comforting thought that while Charlotte is having surgery, I am reminded that Christ died for us. Good Friday is a reminder to all of us, the sacrifice God made, watching His son suffer so that we may be free!! Praising God for the wonderful Father and Creator He is!!
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8 KJV
“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.”
Isaiah 12:2 KJV
“Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
Isaiah 53:4-6 NIV
Sending hugs and prayers your way for your sweet little angel and all of the angels that are loving and caring for her. My heart goes out to all of you.
Almighty God, let Good Friday be a Good Friday for your precious child, Charlotte.
Our little princess is truly a hero!!! Sending prayers and good deeds your way. God is with you all and He’ll be there during surgery. Keep strong mom, your little girl is one of a kind. Much love,
I always and continually pray “by His stripes Noah is healed”…you will love Dr. L as he is a man of God and will treat Charlotte as his own. Sending you love, hugs, peace and comfort…it will be a long day/night, but all worth it! I’m just a phone call away honey!
Anne & Noah
Having 4 now grown children of my own and imagining anyone one of them going through what your precious Charlotte is dealing with when they were small, breaks my heart and puts my stomach in knots as I try to relate to what you and Tyler must be going through.
It is more than obvious that The Lord is Your Strength and He will continue to guide you through these times. Thank you for being a shining light for all the world to see.
Praying for a perfect surgery, awesome results, and quick healing!! Please Lord!!!
Thank You so much for your updates on sweet Charlotte and for sharing your heart Jacqueline. She is truly a hero and a warrior in our eyes. Your faith and trust in our heavenly father is such a blessing for your little warrior and your family. You are in our thoughts and prayers and tomorrow, on Good Friday, we will be on our knees in prayer for your sweet girl. Praying for Charlotte’s Miracle, The Russell Family (from Bend, OR…our son went to kindergarten w Tyler)
Praying for sweet Charlotte and your entire family! Be brave! God will heal her!!
I believe in God our father the maker of heaven & earth of all that is seen & unseen. I believe in Charlotte’s miracle. Praying for you Jac to stay strong.
God will be sitting right there with her on Friday. He will guide the surgeons hands and provide quick healing. He never forsakes us. Constant prayers will continue to come. Praying for continued strength for you. Her miracle is coming!
Prayers coming from you friends at Make-A-Wish for sure! Hopefully she got the “goodie bag” I mailed and enjoyed it!
Praying for your sweet girl and may God always grace you with love in your heart, the whys are much more powerful then we know. Pray for a perfect surgery, steady hands, protection, wisdom, strength and healing. Love you guys and we are rooting for Charlotte & your family always. You’ve got this. Keep hanging on! Much love & prayer to you all today.