Charlotte recently had a full work up of scans. Her scans came back as stable or unchanged! Definitely grateful for no new growth! Scans and blood work were the determining factors of whether or not she would be eligible for the NK trial.
On Thursday, Charlotte’s platelets were at 64, the doctor said they would need to be at least 75.
While I have been anxiously awaiting this trial, in hopes that THIS is what she would need, I began to pray. All along we have asked God for strength, wisdom, and the right decision. This whole game of cancer and the course of treatment is tough to decide. It’s a gamble. What works for one child, may not for another.
All weekend I prayed God would be clear, crystal clear. We were told because of the MIBG therapy she had in January, her platelets would go up and down on their own. I knew that bumping her up 11 platelets would be an easy feat, IF that was the route we should be going.
We arrived at 8 am on Monday for a blood draw. It wasn’t until 10:45 that I was given the results. Charlotte’s platelets were only at 68. An hour later, I met with the Doctor doing the NK trial. He shared with me that because of Charlotte’s history with high dose chemo (this would be the first part of the trial) he didn’t feel comfortable with her doing it. That because her counts were already low, she would be neutropenic and hospitalized for a longer than normal time. He told me that she would be more at risk than benefit. He believes that a lot of her cancer is mature and chemo will do nothing for it.
The other option is their hu3f8 antibody. He knew I was really anxious and wanting to do the NK trial so he told me he would let me decide. That I could have some time to consider. Little did he know, my decision was made. I asked someone much higher to give me a crystal clear answer. NK would not be the route we would take.
On Monday, we will start antibody. Charlotte has started to receive the shots for it and will continue through Friday of next week. These shots are supposed to help mark the cancer cells for the antibody to destroy. This treatment goes for about 30 minutes and is very painful. Luckily, by evening she should be back to normal. I pray this treatment works. If so, we will be able to go home in between rounds. Charlotte’s hair will grow back, she won’t lose her appetite or vomit, she will be able to enjoy some of the summer and have a little normalcy in her life l!
Oh how I pray, wish, and hope that soon, the day will come that Charlotte can feel “normal.” I have moments where I look at her, and cry. She isn’t eating right now. I’m not sure why, but her spine is beginning to stick out a lot again due to weight loss. She says that everything hurts her tummy. She constantly cries out in pain.
Pray for
- This treatment to work
- Minimal pain
- Comfort through treatment
- Charlotte’s appetite to come back and her stomach pains to go away
- Karma, Charlotte’s friend, who is having surgery on her lungs to remove 20+ tumors that were called inoperable in January
Praising God for
- Time off of treatment
- Stable scans
- Options in treatment
- Days with smiles
- My family
- His plan
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Charlotte and your family have been in our prayers constantly. That will not change. Praying for her comfort, your strength and God’s overwhelming peace that surpasses all understanding.
Jacqueline, thank you for the update. Praising with you for the answer of a clear treatment plan. I am so sorry to hear that Charlotte is hurting so much. I will be praying for her to be comfortable and to have s good appetite with healthy digestion. You are doing a great job as her Mom! You are exactly who she needs in her corner. We love you all!
Praying specifically! God is in control!!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the update. Charlotte is always in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to be there daily. Your strength is inspiring and amazing and we wish you the very best this Mother’s Day!
Jacqueline, you are an amazing Mom! Thank you so much for the updates on Charlotte. Praying for God’s continued clear direction for you and doctors on the treatment. Also praying that the Lord would block Charlotte’s pain so she can eat, and most of all that he would completely heal her little body and fill you all with incredible joy! Through my prayers for your family the Lord has filled me with a great love for you all. Continually praying. Every time I reach up and touch that little “grace” necklace, I am praying for you all!
Continually praying that you can feel Gods love and presence through this difficult journey.
Praying for you, your family and your sweet little angel. Sending love and strength to all of you.
You are the definition of an amazing mother. Prayers will continue stronger than ever. Happy Mother’s Day to a woman who is truly an inspiration to all of us mothers. Grateful you have never lost your faith, He is watching over all of you. I too believe there is normalcy at the end of this. Xoxo
Brian and I are keeping you all constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
We will continue to pray. You are all loved.
praying and hoping with you…
Jacqueline, I continue to pray for your family, wisdom for the medical staff, and Charlotte’s complete healing and normalcy in her life. Charlotte is God’s blessing to Karma. He is definitely using your family to draw people to Him.
Thank you so much for the painful email. Praying, Praying Praying. Much Love. Denise Graves
Cancer sucks, especially for little ones! Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way!!!
Michael & I read every post. We pray for you and your beautiful family every day and night. We feel your pain. God bless & keep you all in His loving arms. Your faith has encouraged us to always remain strong in the Lord. We love you dear York family, Michael & Brenda Baron
Thank you for specifics of how to pray.
Will never cease prayers….you amaze me precious lady….your girls are awe inspiring….love from texas
Praying for your sweet child and precious family.
I send loving thoughts and energy to all of you! May the hope that spring brings surround you all.