The past few days have been a breeze! The doctors and nurses were surprised of the minimal side effects from the chemo.
Yesterday Charlotte woke with a large appetite! Pancakes, cereal, 7 pieces of bacon, and wanting more.
Within seconds of having her line flushed, it all came up. Poor baby, she is so used to vomiting that it really doesn’t phase her anymore. They added Benadryl to her nausea meds and it helped.
Out of nowhere, she decided she wanted to dip her fries in her shake shake. Sooo daddy went and got her some!! She finished hers and his and went to sleep. This was around 6, she was out for the night, with the occasional potty break.
She started vomiting again early this morning. With prayers and hopes the anti nausea meds work, we have one more dose this afternoon. After she gets the necessary hydration fluids, we will be discharged. It will be very late, but our whole family anticipates being home!
Please continue to pray for minimal side effects. This medicine is known to linger once chemo is finished. Pray that her appetite remains, she is losing weight daily.
We feel so loved by all of your words and prayers. Thank you
In most of my pictures, Charlotte is asleep because she doesn’t like her picture being taken.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:15 NIV)
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