Since we returned home from the hospital things have been so nice!! She is finally feeling like herself (somewhat) We have graduated from the Greek yogurt and she is eating turkey and chicken as well! For my birthday I got a fire pit and rocking chairs for the patio. Every night we have sat out there roasting marshmallows, listening to music and blowing bubbles. Charlotte doesn’t actually eat the marshmallows, she likes to set them on fire, blow it out and hand it over for someone else to eat. It’s so great to hear her squeals of joy and see her smile.
Today we attempted a little outing, lunch in the park and a trip to the nursery. It was a total fail! I planned it at the wrong time and she was grouchy :-/ we shall try again tomorrow!
Even with all of these happy times we have, I can’t help but think about next Monday, when the second round of chemo begins. I just want my baby girl to be that “happy girl” I see smiling, laughing, and being goofy. I know I need to live for TODAY and enjoy these good times, it’s a struggle I have but I praise the Lord for what we do get!
Please continue praying for healing, for a miracle! Pray these days leading up to our time in the hospital are great days where Charlotte is able to truly enjoy herself!
Thank you all so much! For the prayers, food, help, gifts, donations, and kind words. We are so grateful to each and every one of you!

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5 NIV)
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