I sit here, watching my precious child sleep, as I have since she was born, I feel blessed. I am so lucky to have her. At times I catch myself being angry or in disbelief that my baby girl has cancer. She does, she has for about a year and a half now.
I am blessed, blessed that she will wake up today and I can hear her voice, hug her, kiss her and enjoy her.
Today, I am heartbroken. Heartbroken for my dear friend and her family. Heartbroken that today, we will watch his little casket be placed into the earth. Sweet RJ has won his battle and is enjoying heaven with his mighty Father. And although he is in no more pain, I can not imagine what his mother is going through. I have cried for her everyday since Tuesday, when he passed. I watch the live feed on his Facebook to see my friend push through, to see her forced smile and laughs. I can not imagine.
RJ passed because he ran out of treatment options. There was NOTHING else to offer him. This TOP cancer hospital, had NOTHING!!! We left Oregon because they had nothing more for Charlotte, NYC has so many, or so I thought.
Our kids need more!
More awareness brings more funding.
More funding brings more research.
More research brings more options.
More options are less lives lost.
Please be a voice for our children!! Please donate, anything! Skip your Starbucks today and put that towards saving a life. Our kids need you, more than you know!!
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
“Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me.”
Psalm 27:7 NIV
Places to donate that give most to the cause:
Whip Pediatric Cancer 100%
St Baldricks
Alex’s Lemonade Stand
Thank you for continuing your support and prayers for Charlotte and for these other children.
We will NEVER stop fighting!
So heartbreaking for this family. I will be donating to the Whip Pediatric Cancer program!