Saturday, we went to the Sisters parade. We met up with some great friends and Charlottes best friend. We were able to hang out, grab donuts and coffee and just feel normal for a little while. It was great! After nap time Charlotte insisted on going to her friends house to play. She hasn’t had this much energy in a while, so I agreed! Unfortunately, she fell asleep on the ride there and stayed asleep for over an hour! By the time she woke, it was time to head home. She begged for Grey to come with us and was so happy when she did!
The girls watched movies, played in the sandbox and the play kitchen outside. They whipped up lots of yummy things 🙂 Greys family joined us, we had dinner and roasted marshmallows (aka lighting them on fire so Char can blow them out) lol. It was two hours past bedtime, but Charlottes smiles and laughs were too wonderful to put to bed.
Sunday was our day of rest. We didn’t do much but hang out. We celebrated RLs birthday and Charlotte was very excited about her fresh strawberry cupcake.
Monday morning we flew to Portland with plans of going to the zoo before nap time. That didn’t happen, Charlotte and Eleanor both fell asleep in the car. We ended up getting to the zoo at the hottest time of the day! For a second I thought I was in the south again! Haha! We had a nice time, Charlotte had her highs and lows. She enjoyed seeing the elephant. Eleanor loved all the animals!!
We went to dinner at Famous Daves for some BBQ (stuck to the southern feeling) and our sweet waitress picked up the check!
Our times were a great reminder that the days ahead won’t always be hard or bad. And although they are not as they once were, we will adapt and enjoy the easy days to come! I’m so grateful for my husband, family, and friends. I’d be a mess without them!!
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