It’s been two weeks since you left us. When I sit in the living room, I can still hear you yell “mommy!” Only now I know not to jump up and rush to your room. Your pictures are every where and most days I wish i could just hug you once more. I miss you.
Oh Charlotte you made such an impact on this life, not only to your family, but to the world. Your legacy will continue and your story will be told.
I will continue to support other families who have to go through what we did.
To those who were not able to make it to Charlottes service. It was perfect. It was just like Charlotte and those who spoke gave accurate descriptions of our precious girl. I will upload the videos to a separate post for those who were not able to see it from Facebook.
Thank you for your support. Your prayers, the cards full of kind words, the gifts, the food, the flowers, the donations to help fund research. It all means the world.
Many have asked how I am so strong. Some have shown concern because I’m not a complete mess. I cry, everyday. I don’t sleep at night. My stomach has been in knots for two weeks now. BUT I do not let that take over me. I have two other daughters, that also need their mommy. Who also miss their sister.
I still have hope. Hope that one day soon, I will get my hug from Charlotte. Hope that Charlottes lungs are NEW and she is doing everything she dreamed of. She is no longer sitting to the side watching everyone, wishing she could run and play, SHE IS!
Many people told me they would take her pain and suffering away if they could. Well, you kind of did. Now we hurt and suffer without her, BUT she does not. She is no longer suffering.
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16 NKJV
“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13 NKJV
“But I will hope continually, And will praise You yet more and more. My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness And Your salvation all the day, For I do not know their limits. I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only.”
Psalms 71:14-16 NKJV
Jacqueline, Tyler and family. Sending our love and prayers. Everyone must grieve in their own way and expressing your strong faith is what brings comfort to you. Charlotte and you have brought so many people to see God and touched so many lives. Sending hugs.
She was so rare- a precious, STRONG and beautiful gem (just like her Mommy). Enveloping you in hugs and love from far away!
Beautifully written. We do have hope because you will see her again but I pray daily that God will wrap you up in his arms and give you great comfort. Nothing anyone can say will help but the knowledge that you will meet again and that she is with her Lord is awesome . Praying for your family 🙏
My heart is broken for all of you as you navigate life facing such a huge void. Knowing that we will see Charlotte again is the comfort we must cling to as we get through each day. Much love and prayers for your family.
Sweet Charlotte’s little footprints of joy, laughter, love and strength left forever imprints on our hearts. She is missed by All and dearly loved, even by those of us who never had the pleasure to meet her face to face.
Continued prayers for you and your family as you grieve the loss of holding your baby girl and having her here with you. And praying for God’s peace as you see her joyfully set free with Jesus.
The York Family is a testament to all. I remember not long ago when talking to Tyler about losing our daughter Lynsey, he said that she is at peace and we are left to continue with the struggles of life. True words of faith and wisdom that were accurate then and now. We are connected with our faith that provides us with resolve under the toughest heartbreaking circumstances.
Sweet Charlotte your spirit lives within all of us.
Thank you for your words of faith, hope and love. We will continue to pray for you and your family in the days ahead.
Such sweet sorrow. Charlotte will live and bless so many homes and other children going through the same journey.
May the lord continue to lift your family up and bless you with all the love and support you need. And yes you will see Charlotte again and she will be so full of life! Running playing and being the sweet little soul she is.
Your journey has touched so many lives. Be blessed
Hello I am Delores Dinkel. I have known The York family for around 20 years. I am so sorry for your loss. My daughter and I have prayed for your daughter for a few years and watched your posts on fb through Julia. Having lost of loss in my life I recommend the books below. Book 1 have not read but it looked good for you as a mom. Book #2 I have read.
Book #1 This is a book that I looked online that is about losing children. Saying Goodbye to Someone You Love: Your Emotional Journey Through End of Life and Grief Paperback – May 12, 2010 Named a 2010 Self Help Best Book by Library Journal
Saying Goodbye To Someone You Love consists of moving narratives about end of life and grief. These personal histories are complemented by practical guidelines for those caring for their loved ones through the last stages of life. For those who are grieving, the true-to-life-stories demonstrate how others have navigated through the tidal wave of emotions and reactions that characterize the grief process. For health care professionals and those who are offering support to grievers, Saying Goodbye To Someone You Love provides a new perspective on the challenges of caring for the dying and living with grief.
Hundreds of poignant, touching, loving, humorous personal experiences address readers’ concerns and curiosity about how others have faced life’s final chapter with love and dignity. Specific issues include talking about death, hospice, funerals, grieving, and celebrating life.
Saying Goodbye To Someone You Love empowers readers by
Bringing compassion and awareness to end of life issues
Providing examples of loving care at the moment of death
illuminating uncharted territory
Demonstrating how others cope
Demystifying the grief process
Inspiring hope
The narratives and advice in Saying Goodbye To Someone You Love benefits family members, friends and health care professionals as they travel the emotional journey through end of life and grief.
Book #2 This is a book I have had for many years. I recommend it for I used it with my children
Someone I Love DiedMar 1, 2018
by Christine Harder Tangvald
The Saddest Word, Goodbye
When God calls our children
to dwell with Him above,
We mortals sometimes question
the wisdom of His love.
For no heartache compares with,
the death of one small child.
Who does so much to make our world,
seem so wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to His fold.
So He picks a rosebud
before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them,
and so He takes but few.
To make the land of heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult
still somehow we must try.
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be Good-bye.
So when a little child departs,
we who are left behind,
Must realize God loves children.
Angels Are Hard To Find!!
Beautifully written raw and real life. Love you friend!
You’re such an amazing mother!!!
May God continue to give you such strength and amazing heart! Love to you all 🙏🏻
Tyler and Jacqueline,
There is not a word I can offer that will heal your heart’s. Only God and a life time can work that. My heart breaks when I think of you holding your baby as God called her spirit to Himself. All the why’s shall not be know before you yourselves enter Heaven and are reunited with your sweet Charlotte. What a day of rejoicing that will be! In the meantime may we praise our King for Charlotte, her life.
As her great, great, grandfather said, she lived her life in 6 years and she lived it large and touched
the lives of 1,000’s. What a testament of God working in and through a life.
You are love and lifted up by those 1,000’s of people. May you find comfort in knowing the people Charlotte touched are now touching you through their prayers.
Lovingly, Sally
You are an inspiration and how lucky your girl was to have the love of your beautiful family.