Friday night was one full of choking on the tube down her throat, trying to pull it out, putting restraints on her, and more sedation. Thanks to a daddy who wasn’t going to allow the logistics of “rounds” get in the way, Charlotte was extubated early Saturday morning. She had a rough morning of a […]
The past two days…
This is a long one and it will share the whirlwind of the past two days. Thursday 3/29/18 We made it to the doctor first thing Thursday morning, after multiple delays and a 1:30 am arrival. With only two hours of sleep, I kept thinking “after this appointment we will grab lunch and take a […]
News Worth Sharing…
Our trip to NYC was planned for the morning of March 21st with an early arrival for an afternoon appointment. Well, if you watch the news I’m sure you heard about the big storm they had that day. Our flights were cancelled 24 hours before. We tried to fly out the night of the 20th […]