Two weeks has passed since we left NYC. It was a nice, relaxing time at home. The weather was cold and rainy at first but turned into quite the summer we have missed. The first round of treatment ended on Friday May 13th. It was a tough week! Friday, Charlotte immediately broke out in hives […]
Day 1 of hu3f8…
Yesterday was a tough day. Charlotte received her first antibody treatment, hu3f8. I knew it would be tough. I’ve been told a multitude of things by children and parents. Ultimately, every child is different. Different side effects, different points of pain, different times during the infusion that the pain hits, different lengths of pain, and […]
A New Treatment…
Charlotte recently had a full work up of scans. Her scans came back as stable or unchanged! Definitely grateful for no new growth! Scans and blood work were the determining factors of whether or not she would be eligible for the NK trial. On Thursday, Charlotte’s platelets were at 64, the doctor said they would […]